Wednesday, January 31, 2007

First Blog Entry! much to say, where do I start. Well, I suppose I ought to introduce myself. I am one of the first of an ever-increasing number of "Rush Babies". For those of you that aren't familiar with the term, I am not referring to a child conceived during fraternity rush week at a university. Instead, I am alluding to the man responsible for helping me maintain my sanity through high school and college: Rush Limbaugh. My earliest memories of childhood include listening to his radio show with my parents during the summer and on school breaks. Thanks to my parents (and their active role in raising me), I learned the value of being able to take the information drawn from various sources and come to my own conclusions. In other words...I can think for myself! My upbringing was more sheltered than some, not as sheltered as others. The reason that I'm not a promiscuous, pill-popping degenerate is because I came to the conclusion that leading a moral life is not just "the right thing" because of religious belief. It's just plain logical!

Most of my liberal friends tend to think that anyone to the right of Howard Dean is only capable of mouthing memorized Pavlovian responses to political and socio-economic "trigger words". Meanwhile, only a liberal can truly understand the nuance in all things intellectual. All I can say is that my reasoning is too complex to be put on a bumper sticker...unlike the following local favorites:

"Bush Lied! Kids Died!"

"No Blood for Oil!"

"Buck Fush!"

and, this truly prosaic work of art... "War in Iraq? NO!"

I can't be sure, but I think someone was behind the counter, ringing a bell, when those bumper stickers were purchased.