Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Where's Susan Sarandon When You Need Her?

Now that Lewis "Scooter" Libby has been found guilty by a jury that was screened for its political views (in addition to not even knowing the charges), I wonder whether "Susie Sunshine" and her boy-toy Timmy will step up and start calling for Libby's release. In case you're wondering why I mention these two, let me remind you about Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Mumia Abu-Jamal is a convicted cop killer who, until 2001, was sitting on death row. A federal judge overturned his death sentence, and he now resides in a maximum security facility. Sarandon and Robbins, among other celebrities, have actively protested Abu-Jamal's imprisonment. Apparently, killing a cop while he's making a routine traffic stop is de riguer for these people. Nevermind that the convicted murderer was wounded by the officer, after he shot the officer in the back. Of course, Abu-Jamal was shot before he fired an additional four rounds, one of which was to the close range. When he was taken into custody, he was in possession of a .38 revolver that had five spent cartridages. For the firearm ignorant, a revolver holds six rounds; by my count, Mumia fired five shots. As anyone who knows their science (and weapons) will tell you, people lie but the ballistics don't.

The large majority of Mumia supporters believe that he is a political prisoner because he was a member of the Black Panthers. So they weren't protesting his death sentence; they were protesting his conviction in its entirety. I say that if ever there was a political prisoner in this country, it would be Scotter Libby.

The only things that Libby is guilty of are: having a bad memory, answering questions asked by the FBI, and being on "the right side of the aisle". Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald (or as we like to call him "Nifong Jr.") had to go fishing in the jury pool to find candidates that weren't "too conservative". The jury wasn't even sure why the hell they were there. In day nine of deliberations, they had to ask the judge to remind of the charges brought against Libby. After the verdict was read, some jurors went on record as saying things like "We were hoping to see Dick Cheney testify. How disappointing." A man's life has been ruined, and they are disappointed that the Vice President wasn't called to testify!?!

If the special prosecutor was actually interested in justice (rather than adding a scalp to his belt), he would have gone after Dick Armitage. Armitage, a State Department employee (and war critic), was the one behind the name dropping of a non-covert Langley desk jockey. Hell, go after her husband who wouldn't know yellowcake if it had been shoved (uncomfortably) into certain bodily orifices. Joe Wilson has enjoyed the benefits of being "Mr. Valerie Plame", including making money off of his wife's "outing". Even Plame should bear some judicial scrutiny. Isn't nepotism supposed to be illegal in the human resources department at the CIA?

We won't see Hollywood activists seeking pardon on behalf of this much-maligned man. You probably won't even see conservatives rallying outside of the courthouse on behalf of a man who's life has been wrecked for the sake of making political hay. Because the Bush administration has had its teeth kicked in by San Fran Nan and her ilk, I don't imagine that they will do anything, either. I for my part plan on finding a way to make "Free Scooter!" bumper stickers and t-shirts. If Mumia and Che Guevara can get t-shirts, Scooter can too!

1 comment:

Christina said...

I remember all the "Free Mumia" graffiti I saw in college. Given the state of political protests at that campus, they probably knew even less about it than the Susie or Timmy.